- Category: Creative Graphics
Light Spike, Centennial Park, Irving Texas
Architectural element created as a 30' reference beacon for this park central pavilion feature.

- Category: Creative Graphics
Katy Trail, Dallas TX
These trail graphics serve as wayfinding elements for this old railroad track trail now converted for pedestrian use.

- Category: Creative Graphics
Heron Pond, Colleyville Texas
We like to showcase our special talents in design and uniqueness. This client specifically asked for hand rendered painted graphics to showcase this development entry monument.

- Category: Creative Graphics
Dallas Municipal Building, Dallas Texas
Our task was to create and coordinate the placement of historically accurate reproductions of the bollard system placed in 1920. Special emphasis was on the need to recreate the system as designed while complying with current ada compliant systems.

- Category: Creative Graphics
Graphics Award, Dallas Texas for interior design show - 2012
Unique award using methods of photoengraved aluminum, special anodized process with creative approach of delivery

- Category: Creative Graphics
Centennial Park, Irving Texas 2013
Light spike - A 30' tower constructed from aluminum, plexiglass with programmable LED Lighting.